06 June 2009

And a HUGE "Thank You"!


A big "Thank You", to all the men and women of our military and their families.

Thank you today for the job you do in keeping us out of harm's way. Thank those that served before you with special remembrance of those that 60 years ago today landed on beaches in Normandy with codenames such as "Utah" and "Omaha". Thanks to those that also parachuted in behind.

Thank those that have served from Valley Forge to Gettysburg, from Tripoli to Germany, Italy and places unknown and unmentioned. Thanks to those that serve in the middle of the deepest oceans keeping our submarines on task 24/7/365 to deliver their mission when needed. Those that kept a plane inm the air at all times during the Cold War. Thank those from DaNang, BenHoa, the frozen Korean peninsula and the deserts of the Iraq and Kuwait and the mountains of Afganistan. And those that serve back in the states and those that did not make it back to the USA.

Please thank your families for us as well. I saw my mother and other families deal with the separation and worry back in the Viet Nam era.

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