02 February 2010

A Few February Thoughts

Haiti.  Wow, I cannot even say anything there after all this time.  Do what you can for them, give whatever you are comfortable giving and pray a lot.  

I am a conservative "USA" type of guy; but when the world bleeds, we all do in these tragic situations.  We mourn their losses.  This one is not far from the US shores either, so logistically, we as a nation can help as much as anyone.  Things are still a mess down there trying to get aid to the right places and help the right people; those with the most need.  In talking with people lately I agree, there is an opportunity here to replace a lot of the infrastructure there to modernize it, and also give jobs to the people of Haiti in planning, designing and doing the work.  This could make a lasting economic impact leaving a road open for further economic development and opportunities that were not present prior to the terrible earthquake.

Also, here is the link for the Red Cross on Facebook.  Quite a lot of information flow from Haiti.   Oh, I should say that is the "American Red Cross", just so I am accurate.

Well, the answer to the question here in the US is "Saints by Six".  If Freeney were even 80% I might go the other way; but he is that much of an impact player that I am afraid the Saint's offense will be far from neutralized.  Brees will just have too much time.  I do think Peton Manning will find his share of success as well--no great prediction there as he always does.  I guess the next question for Sunday night is regarding which company will have the best/funniest commercial.  That question remains for now.  Good luck in your office pools.

I guess in the Six Nations, France and Ireland are the favorites; but I will pull for Scotland anyway as my long-shot bet on the rugby pitch.  The big match is 13 February as Ireland and France meet-up.

That is all for today.  With playing Mr. Mom while the wife is in the hospital and me not feeling great the past couple weeks--keeping this brief.  I will write a new post covering disaster preparedness in the next couple weeks.  I just wanted to finally get the thoughts on Haiti posted .  Will pick my winner for the best Super Bowl commercial in my next post.

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