14 November 2008

FEMA Releases On-Line Training Course For The National Response Framework

This was so worthwhile and I meant to mention it before. Now I needed to make a second post in the same day. Blasphemy I tell you! Good materials in here to help you prepare. I see that Californian's were busy preparing for a big shake just yesterday. Good on 'em!

FEMA Releases On-Line Training Course For The National Response Framework
Tue, 04 Nov 2008 23:00:00 -0600

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) today released the on-line IS-800.B National Response Framework (NRF), An Introduction training course. The NRF, which focuses on response and short-term recovery, articulates the doctrine, principles and architecture by which our nation prepares for and responds to all-hazard disasters across all levels of government and all sectors of communities.

This is a good jumping off point for getting involved in disaster response in your community. The Red Cross has others which may be more appealing to you and have a different approach. You may locate your local chapter of the American Red Cross at: http://www.redcross.org/donate/volunteer/ and then find disaster preparedness training resources at http://www.redcross.org/flash/course01_v01/.

Just Between Us, I think The Billion is the New Million

...Or maybe that is the Trillion is the new million. I have lost track. Heck, I have so much to rant about. I am a conservative. Yes, that means I am for peace through strength, smaller government, power to the states, drill here/drill now, judges who do not make law and good old fashion capitalism at its finest. Sink, swim, float or get out of the water. Or, maybe take a nice dip in a heated pool at an AIG exec recommended resort. After, maybe a massage with a happy ending--if you are throwing around the kind of dollars we have given them, I hope they are at least getting that. We are sure being jerked around.

I thought McCain taking off from the campaign to concentrate on the financial woes was going to be a winner. What did he accomplish? It was as soon as he caught a little flak from Obama about multi-tasking, he got all flustered and did not concentrate on the debate prep or the financial package. I guess he did not have his pork cutters with him for that package. Maybe Maverick needed to call Goose to bring them in. I think Joe the Plumber would have crafted a better package; and that is no slam on him-rather on congress.

Too much, okay. Sorry, I feel better. Not trying to be too political. I actually did not want to write while the election was going on as too many thoughts were in my head and I would have done nothing but had hands to keyboard.

Enough political blather for now, though I am sure that listening to the Russians will soon bring on some more form me at some point.

Maybe a little InfoSec in my next posting.

Let's be careful out there.